Sending and Receiving Calls Dialing an Emergency Number
Your service provider programs one or more emergency phone
numbers (such as 112 or 911) that you can call under any
circumstances. You can dial and call the emergency number even
when your phone is locked, when you are prompted to enter a
code or password, when the SIM card is not inserted in your
phone, or when the SIM card is blocked or disabled.
Note: Emergency numbers vary by country. Your phone’s
emergency number(s) may not work in all locations.
To call the emergency number at any time:
Entering Numbers in the Notepad
Your phone stores the most recent string of digits entered on the
keypad in a temporary memory location called the


These digits can be the last phone number that you called, or a
phone number that you simply entered but did not call. These
digits remain in the notepad even when you turn off the phone.
You can use the notepad to store a phone number that you
intend to call later (such as a phone number told to you by the
other party during a call). To retrieve these digits, see “Using the
Notepad” on page 89.
Press To
keypad keys dial the emergency number (such as
N call the emergency number