Entering Text

Symbol Chart

Use this chart as a guide for entering symbols in symbol mode.
Predictive Text Entry with iTAP™ Software
iTAP™ software provides a predictive text entry method that lets
you enter the letters of a word using only one keypress per letter.
You must activate iTAP software prior to entering letters. You can
do this from any text entry screen by pressing M to open the
Entry Method menu and selecting the iTAP menu option.


. ? ! , @ _ & : ; " - ( ) ' ¿
¡ % £ $ ¥
2 @ _ \
3 / : ;
4 " & '
5 ( ) [ ] { }
6 ¿ ¡ ~
7 < > =
8 $ £ ¥
9 # % *
0 + - x * / =
> < # §