My phone asks
for an unlock
code when I try
to open a
The application you want is locked. If
you own the phone but do not know
the unlock code, see “If You Forget a
Code or Password” on page 162.
My phone does
not ring. If you see t or y in the display,
then the ringer is turned off. See
“Ring/Vibrate” on page 140.
Also, the ringer may be set to Silent
even though your phone is set to a ring
alert profile. See “Customize an Alert
Profile” on page 141.
My phone rings
even though I
selected the
Silent (or
Vibrate) alert
The ringer may be set to play a tone
even though your phone is set to a
silent alert profile. See “Customize an
Alert Profile” on page 141.
I tried to place a
call and heard an
alternating high/
low tone.
Your call did not reach the wireless
system. You may have dialed the
number too soon after turning the
phone on. Wait until the display shows
the name of your service provider
before making a call.
Problem Solution