7 - 2 VC5090 Vehicle Computer Product Reference Guide

a. On http://support.symbol.com, select Software Downloads.
b. Select Mobile Computers and then select VC5000.
c. Select the Device Configuration Package (DCP).
d. Save the .exe file to the development computer.
2. Locate the .exe file on the development computer, double-click the file, and follow the install screen prompts.
3. Once installed, access the major components of the DCP from the Symbol Device Configuration Package
(DCP) for VC5000 program group of the Windows Start Menu.
Platform SDK
To download and install the Platform SDK:
1. Download the appropriate Platform SDK from the Support Central web site, http://support.symbol.com:
a. On http://support.symbol.com, select Software Downloads.
b. Select Mobile Computers and then select VC5000.
c. Select the Platform SDK.
d. Save the .exe file to the development computer.
2. Run the file and follow the screen prompts to install.
Symbol Mobility Developer Kit
To install an SMDK:
1. Download the SMDK from the Support Central web site, http://support.symbol.com:
a. On http://support.symbol.com, select Software Downloads.
b. Select Mobile Computers and then select VC5000.
c. Select the latest version of the Symbol Mobility Developer Kit.
d. Save the .exe file to the development computer.
2. Double-click the executable file and follow the install screen prompts.
3. Once installed, access the major components of the SMDK from the Symbol Mobility Developer Kit program
group of the Windows Start Menu. The components include: Help, Platform Integrator, Readme, Samples, and
Web Updates.
4. The sample applications provide examples of how to interface with the Symbol API functions. To build a
sample application, open the Samples folder from the Windows Start menu. Open the folder for the desired
sample and then open the project file. The project file has an extension of VCP. Microsoft Visual C++ v4.0
automatically launches. Select WinCE as the Active WCE Configuration. Select Win32 (WCE ARMV4I) Debug
as the Active Configuration.
NOTE If both Microsoft Visual C++ v3.0 and Microsoft Visual C++ v4.0 are installed on the development
computer, ensure Microsoft Visual C++ v4.0 launches.