G.727 | 39 | |
G.729 | 39 | |
Net Coder | 39 | |
Coder field |
analog | 38 | |
Coder Parameters field group |
analog | 38 | |
compression, silence |
analog | 39 | |
concurrent calls |
maximum number | 61 | |
concurrent calls supported, embedded gatekeeper | 52 | |
Conf. (conference) Goal gatekeeper field (Call Details) | 57 | |
Configuration Options gatekeeper field (Network Parameters) 59 | ||
Configuration Parameters fields (gatekeeper, Network |
Parameters) | 61, 62 | |
Connect TO | 52 | |
Consecutive Packets Lost field |
analog | 41 | |
Copy Channel command (Interface Parameters) |
analog | 43 | |
Copy Channel command (Voice/Fax Parameters) |
analog | 37 | |
Copy Channel field |
analog | 37 | |
Country/Region (tone schemes) field | 30 | |
Current Bandwidth Usage gatekeeper field (Network |
Parameters) | 59 | |
Current Calls (gatekeeper) fields |
Call Details (button) | 55 | |
Disconnect All (button) | 55 | |
Disconnect Call (button) | 55 | |
No (number) | 55 | |
ORIG ALIAS | 55 | |
ORIG IP | 55 | |
Current Calls (gatekeeper) screen |
accessing | 55 | |
Current Loss (FXO disconnect criteria) field | 46 | |
Current Loss Detect Timer (FXO) field | 46 | |
Current Loss field |
FXS Loop Start | 44 | |
Currently Registered gatekeeper field (Network Parameters)...59 | ||
Custom (tones, Regional)field | 31 | |
custom DTMF | 31, 32, 33 | |
Custom | 32, 33 | |
Custom |
Frequency 1 | 32, 33 | |
Frequency 2 | 32, 33 | |
Gain 1 | 32, 33 | |
Gain 2 | 32, 33 | |
Tone Pair | 32, 33 | |
custom tones, setting | 31 | |
Debug Level (Gatekeeper General Settings screen) | 51 | |
Default (Voice/FAX) field |
analog | 37 | |
Default button (gatekeeper Memory screen) | 52 | |
Default button, MultiVantage Parameters screen | 34 | |
default distance | 62 | |
Default Distance field (gatekeeper, Network Parameters) | 62 | |
Default gatekeeper field (Services, GK Defined) | 63 | |
Default gatekeeper field (Services, V2 GW Prefixes) | 64 | |
Delay Before Dial field | 34 | |
Delay before Dial field (Comm Mgr Params screen) | 15 | |
delay, packets |
analog | 41 | |
Delete endpoints command |
gatekeeper | 54 | |
Delete Predefined endpoints command (Del |
gatekeeper | 54 | |
Description gatekeeper field (Services, GK Defined) | 63 | |
Description gatekeeper field (Services, V2 GW Prefixes) | ....... 64 | |
Detection Range, Flash Hook Options field |
FXO | 47 | |
FXS Loop Start | 45 | |
Dial Access field | 16, 19 | |
dial tone, custom | 31, 32 | |
Dialing Options (FXO) fields | 46, 47 | |
31 | ||
DID Interface Parameter fields |
Message Waiting Indication | 50 | |
DID Interface Parameters | 49 | |
50 | ||
| |
Inter Digit Timer (dialing) | 50 | |
Start Modes | 50 | |
Wink Timer | 50 | |
| |
50 | ||
49 | ||
DiffServ PHB (Per Hop Behavior) value |
T1/E1 | 6 | |
direct call mode | 61 | |
Direct |
FXS | 13 | |
Direct Mode option (gatekeeper, Network Parameters) | ........... | 61 |
56 | ||
Disconnect All button (gatekeeper Current Calls screen) | 55 | |
Disconnect Call button (gatekeeper Current Calls screen) | ....... 55 | |
Disconnect endpoints command |
gatekeeper | 54 | |
Disconnect on Call Progress Tone (FXO) field | 47 | |
Disconnect Tone Sequence (FXO) field | 47 | |
disconnection criteria, FXO | 46, 47 | |
distances | 62 | |
distances in networks | 62 | |
extended | 47 | |
standard | 47 | |
DTMF frequency chart | 47 | |
DTMF Gain (High Tones) field |
analog | 38 | |
DTMF Gain (Low Tones) field |
analog | 38 | |
DTMF Gain field |
analog | 38 | |
DTMF In/Out of Band field |
analog | 38 | |
DTMF inband |
analog | 38 | |
DTMF out of band |
analog | 38 | |
DTMF, custom tone pairs | 31, 32, 33 | |
Duration (DTMF) field |
analog | 38 | |
dynamic endpoint registration (with gatekeeper) | 61 | |
Dynamic gatekeeper field (Services, V2 GW Prefixes) | ........... | 64 |
Dynamic Jitter Buffer field |
analog | 41 | |
Dynamic Jitter fields |
analog | 41 | |
e164 aliases | 58 | |
Echo Cancellation field |
74 |