Chapter 4 - MultiFRAD Software
IPX Port Statistics
The IPX Port Statistics dialog box displays information pertaining to the IPX Port, for example, the frame type used or the number of packets transmitted/received.
IPX is a network layer protocol that is usually associated with Novell NetwareTM networks. It allows for encapsulation of four different frame types over a single physical LAN connection (provided each frame type has a unique network address): RAW (802.3), LLC (802.2), Ethernet II, and SNAP.
These statistics are mostly informational but could be useful for troubleshooting. For instance, if there was a question as to which frame type your workstation was using, you could view the statistics for each frame type and determine which one is being used by the amount of packets transmitted and received.
STP (Spanning Tree) Port Statistics
The STP (Spanning Tree) Port Statistics dialog box displays information regarding the selected STP port, for example, the number of frames discarded or forwarded.
Spanning Tree transParent (STP) bridging is the method of bridging used by the MultiFRAD as specified in IEEE 802.1d standard. Enabling the spanning tree algorithm in addition to spanning tree bridging provides for a
The STP Port statistics are mostly informative but may be helpful in troubleshooting. For example, viewing the number of forward transitions could indicate if the port has ever become active (in which case forward transitions will be greater than zero).