Chapter 1 - Introduction
Welcome to the world of data communications. You have acquired one of the finest
Your MT2834MR6 is designed to operate as an enhanced
This manual documents all of the MT2834MR6’s features and capabilities, such as autodial, autoanswer,
1.2Manual Organization
Chapter 1 Introduction and Description
This chapter describes the MT2834MR6 and its LED indicators, gives its technical specifications, and provides a guide to the organization of the manual.
Chapter 2 Dialing and Answering
This chapter describes answer mode operation in detail, including handshaking procedures between two modems and an autoanswer application. Various methods of call termination are also described.
Chapter 3 Command Mode Operation
This chapter provides an introduction to MT2834MR6 command mode fundamentals, followed by a detailed explanation of each AT command, providing examples where applicable.
Chapter 4
This chapter describes the MT2834MR6’s
Chapter 5 Error Correction, Data Compression and Speed Conversion
This chapter provides detailed information about some of the advanced features of the MT2834MR6, namely, V.42 error correction, data compression, speed conversion, and other features that improve throughput.
Chapter 6 Testing the MT2834MR6
This chapter describes loopback testing for the MT2834MR6.
Chapter 7- Warranty, Service, and Technical Support
This chapter provides the terms of the MT2834MR6’s warranty, instructions for obtaining factory service, and information about
This chapter includes sections pertaining to ASCII/HEX/Decimal Conversion Chart, Dial Pulses and Tone Dial Frequencies, Result Code Summary,