Chapter 5 - Error Correction, Data Compression, and Speed Conversion
5.11 Result Codes
When the MT2834MR6 connects with another modem with
5.11.1 MNP Error Correction
If terse responses are enabled, an R is added to the numeric code. If verbose responses are enabled, the word RELIABLE follows the CONNECT message.
5.11.2 LAP-M Error Correction
If terse responses are enabled, an L is added to the numeric code. If verbose responses are enabled, the word LAPM follows the CONNECT message.
5.11.3 Data Compression
If terse responses are enabled, a C is added to the numeric code. If verbose responses are enabled, the word COMPRESSED follows the CONNECT message.
5.12 Speed Conversion
Speed conversion allows the MT2834MR6 to communicate at one speed over the phone line, and at another speed at the
Besides data compression, another popular application for speed conversion involves an autoanswer MT2834MR6 connected to a computer that does not have autobauding capability. This means that the computer must be set at a fixed baud rate, regardless of whether the modem is communicating over the phone line at 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14,400, 19,200, 21,600, 24,000, 26,400, or 28,800 bps. In this application, speed conversion allows the modem to match its speed to that of a calling modem, while at the same time communicating with the attached computer through its
The flow control and pacing methods used between the computer and the modem during speed conversion are the same as those used with V.42 error correction. The two choices (XON/XOFF or RTS/CTS) are selected by using the &E commands detailed earlier in this chapter. If you are not using the modem’s V.42 error correction, you must activate modem flow control with a separate command (&E11), as explained earlier.
There are three commands that relate specifically to speed conversion. They are the Baud Adjust ($BA), Modem Baud Rate ($MB) and Serial Port Baud Rate ($SB) commands.