ERR: Send Aid key failed
Meaning: TRS did not succeed in sending the aid key to the host.
Action to take: Make sure that the host connection exists.
ERR: CH=xx Process:ERR: Syntax error for variable operation
Meaning: Syntax error in internal variable operation.
Action to take: Check the screen templates which use the internal variable operation.
ERR: CH=xx Process:ERR: write to screen
Meaning: TRS was unable to copy a string to the presentation screen.
Action to take: Check if the field is write protected.
ERR: msg_wait_start
Meaning: Error message was received while TRS was waiting for other processes to initialize.
Action to take: Contact your Nortel service representative.
ERR: Initialize 3270 Controller software
Meaning: 3270 initialization failure.
Action to take: Check the communication system to make sure it works properly.
ERR: Failure to connect at TRS Server
Meaning: TRS envoy was unable to connect the TRS server.
Action to take: Make sure that the TRS in server mode is running on a node on the network and that this node is specified in the trs.node file. Also, check to see if the /etc/hosts file contains the node information and check that the socket number is contained in the /etc/services file. If the TRS is running in a server mode, make sure that the communication board is downloaded properly.
ERR: 3270 Server Process Startup
Meaning: 3270 server process has been started up.