A telephone trunk within a cluster of APs.
IVR cell that cancels a transaction in a VT100 terminal session. It does not terminate the session itself.
IVR cell that sends input to a VT100 terminal session via the TRS process.
IVR cell that receives output from a VT100 terminal session via the TRS process. Always follows the COMI cell and is necessary for the completion of any transaction initiated by COMI.
Imitating a computer or computer system with a combination of hardware and software. Allows programs written for one computer to be run on another.
Host Computer
A networked computer that provides applications and services to other networked computers. The VT100 Gateway product sends information to and receives information from the host computer via the TRS.
A voice recording that helps lead a caller through a IVR application.
A connection to a host computer as defined in the trs.conf and vt100.ctl files, representing a terminal connection. See Chapter 3 for information on the trs.conf and vt100.ctl files.
System administrator
A person responsible for configuring APs, installing and running IVR applications, managing prompts, and running reports.
Template files
ASCII files used by the TRS process to manage the VT100 terminal session. Chapter 2 describes template files in detail.