MultiVOIP FX Quick Start Guide | Connectivity Test |
Connectivity Test
The procedures “Phone/IP Starter Configuration” and “Phonebook Starter Configuration” must be completed before you can do this procedure.
1. These connections must be made:
MultiVOIP to local phone station
MultiVOIP to extension of key phone system
MultiVOIP to command PC
MultiVOIP to Internet
2.Inbound Phonebook and Outbound Phonebook must both be set up with at least one entry in each. These entries must allow for connection between two voip units.
3.Console messages must be enabled. (If this has not been done already, go, in the MultiVOIP GUI, to Configuration Logs and select the “Console Messages” checkbox.
4.Make sure that the COM port connection is free so that the HyperTerminal program can use it.
5.Open the HyperTerminal program.
6.Use HyperTerminal to receive and record console messages from the MultiVOIP unit. To do so, set up HyperTerminal as follows (setup shown is for Windows NT4; details will differ slightly in other MS operating systems):
In the upper toolbar of the HyperTerminal screen, click on the Properties button.
In the “Connect To” tab of the Connection Properties dialog box, click on the Configure button.
In the next dialog box, on the “General” tab, set “Maximum Speed” to 115200 bps.
On the “Connection” tab, set connection preferences to:
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Click OK twice to exit settings dialog boxes.
7.Make VOIP call on a local phone line accessing PSTN directly or through key system..