6/28/2007 page 100 of 145
Set System Location
Command Name system set syslocation
Description To set the location details of the system
Syntax system set syslocation <Location-of-the-system>
Parameters Location-of-the-system
The details of where the system is located
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set syslocation “San Jose”
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> system set syslocation Hyderabad
Notes Please ensure to use “ “ for supplying arguments with spaces
Get System Uptime
Command Name system get sysuptime
Description To get the uptime of the device.
Syntax system get sysuptime
Parameters None
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system get sysuptime
System Up Time : 9 days:17 hours:8 mins:40 secs
Get Number of Ports present in the System
Command Name system get portcount
Description To get the number of ports present in the device.
Syntax system get portcount
Parameters None
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system get portcount
Set IP Address of the SNMP Manager
Command Name system set snmpmgmtip
Description To set the IP address of the SNMP manager
Syntax Usage: system set snmpmgmtip <station_num> <snmpmgmt_ip>
Parameters Station Number
IP Address
The IP address of the SNMP manager in dotted decimal notation
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set snmpmgmtip
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> system set snmpmgmtip
NOTES The IP address should be a valid IP address (excluding Class D & Class
E type). To restore a Trap to “Value Not Configured”, enter ‘’.
Set SNMP Get Community name
Command Name system set snmpgetcommunity
Description To set the community name for performing snmpget operation
Syntax system set snmpgetcommunity <Community-Name>
Parameters Community-Name
The name of the community to be used for performing snmpget
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set snmpgetcommunity public
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set snmpgetcommunity “N-Tron
Notes Please ensure to use “ “ for supplying arguments with spaces