6/28/2007 page 138 of 145
Broadcast Packet Count Limit Commands
Get the Broadcast Packet Count Limit for one port
Command Name broadcast get percentage
Description Displays the broadcast packet percentage for a particular port.
Syntax broadcast get percentage <port-number>
Parameters port-number
The port number must range between 1 and the maximum port number
in the switch.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> broadcast get percentage 6
The BPCL for port number 6 is : 100
Get the Broadcast Packet Count Limit for all ports
Command Name broadcast show percentage
Description Displays the broadcast packet percentage for all ports.
Syntax broadcast show percentage
Parameters None
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> broadcast show percentage
Broadcast Percentage Value for Ports
Port # 1 : 100 Port # 14 : 100
Port # 2 : 100
Port # 3 : 100
Port # 4 : 100
Port # 5 : 100
Port # 6 : 100
Port # 7 : 100
Port # 8 : 100
Port # 9 : 100
Port # 10 : 100
Port # 11 : 100
Port # 12 : 100
Port # 13 : 100
Set the Broadcast Packet Count Limit
Command Name broadcast set percentage
Description Sets the broadcast packet percentage for a particular port
Syntax broadcast set percentage <port-number> <%>
Parameters port-number
The port number must range between 1 and the maximum port number
in the switch.
% The count limit sho uld be in the range 0 to 100 and represents the
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> broadcast set percentage 4 100
NOTES Default is 80.