6/28/2007 page 129 of 145
N-Ring set interval
Command Name n-ring set interval
Description Sets the Self-Health Packet interval and missed threshold.
Syntax n-ring set interval <interval> [missed]
Parameters interval and missed
N-TRON/Admin#[36]n-ring/set> n-ring set interval 1 3
Self Health Packet interval set to 1
Maximum Missed Packets set to 3
NOTES The interval is in 10 millisecond increments. The missed threshold sets
how many missed Self-Health Packets constitute a fault.
N-Ring get mode
Command Name n-ring get mode
Description To display the current N-Ring Mode.
Syntax n-ring get mode
Parameters None
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> n-ring get mode
N-Ring Mode : AutoMember
Port Set : 100
Tagging : Untagged
NOTES Do not use Trunking on a switch that is directly in an active N-Ring.
N-Ring set mode
Command Name n-ring set mode
Description Sets the current N-Ring Mode. Sets ring ports, vlanid and tagging, if manager mode.
Syntax n-ring set mode <manager|automember|disable> [-rp <100|GB>] [-vlanid <id>] [-
tagging <tagged|untagged>]
Parameters manager|automember|disable
N-Ring mode
N-Ring ports, 100 for ports FX1 and FX2, while GB for ports GB1 and GB2
Unique vlan id (1 - 4094). Default is 1.
Determines whether the N-Ring ports are members of the VLANs
Tagged or Untagged ports.
N-Ring Mode set to automember
Device is Going for Reboot....
N-TRON/Admin#[3]> n-ring set mode manager -rp GB
N-Ring Mode set to manager
Port Set to be used is GB
N-Ring VLAN ID is set to: 1
N-Ring Tagging is set to: Untagged
Device is Going for Reboot....
NOTES NOTE: N-Ring Manager cannot have RSTP enabled.
Do not use Trunking on a switch that is directly in an active N-Ring.