Appendix C Connecting Signals with Accessories
© National Instruments Corporation C-7 653X User Manual
To use your 653Xdevice with cables, signal conditioning modules, and
other accessories that require an AT-DIO-32F pinout, use the R6850-D1,
an optional 68-to-50-pin device adapter. Using a PSHR68-68M shielded
cable, you can also connect the adapter to a DAQCard6533 device.
The female side of the R6850-D1 adapter connects directly to the
653Xdevice or PSHR68-68M cable. The male side of the adapter provides
the pin assignments shown in FigureC-2. The 50-pin adapter has no +5 V,
CPULL, or DPULL pins.
Optional Equipment for Connecting SignalsNational Instruments offers a variety of accessories to extend your
653Xdevice capabilities, including:
•Cables and cable assemblies, shielded and ribbon
•Connector blocks, shielded and unshielded 50 and 68-pin screw
•RTSI bus cables for AT and PCIdevices
•SCXI modules and accessories that can acquire up to 3072 channels,
and that can isolate, amplify, excite, and multiplex signals for relays
and analog output
•Low channel-count signal conditioning modules, devices, and
accessories, including conditioning for strain gauges and RTDs,
simultaneous sample and hold, relays, and optical isolation
For more information about these products, refer to your National
Instruments catalog, Website, or call the office nearest you.
Table C-4. 50-Pin Accessories
Device Shielded Cable Ribbon Cable Cable Adapter
SH68-68-D1 R6868 R6850-D1
(Converts 68 pin to 50pin)
SH68-68-D1 R6868 R6850-D1
(Converts 68 pin to 50pin)
PSHR68-68M N/A R6850-D1
(Converts 68 pin to 50pin)