653X User Manual I-6
board, RTSI, and PXI bus
clocks, D-10
RTSI and PXI bus triggers, D-11
sink and source current, D-9
initialization order, handshaking I/O,
2-11 to 2-12
AT-DIO-32HS, 1-7 to 1-8
DAQCard-6533 for PCMCIA, 1-8
PCI-DIO-32HS, PCI-6534, or
PCI-7030/6533 devices, 1-6 to 1-7
PXI-6533, PXI-6534, or PXI-7030/6533
devices, 1-7
software, 1-5
unpacking 653X devices, 1-5to 1-6
interrupt transfers. See DMA or interrupt
LabVIEW and LabVIEW RT software, 1-3
leading-edge handshaking protocol,
3-29 to 3-34
comparison of protocols
definition, 3-24
input handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-29
input state machine (figure), 3-30
input timing diagram (figure), 3-31
maximum transfer rate (table), E-2
output handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-32
output state machine (figure), 3-33
output timing diagram (figure), 3-34
level-ACK handshaking protocol,
3-18 to 3-23
comparison of protocols
input handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-18
input state machine (figure), 3-19
input timing diagram (figure), 3-20
maximum transfer rate (table), E-2
output handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-21
output state machine (figure), 3-22
output timing diagram (figure), 3-23
line state, monitoring. See change detection.
long-pulse handshaking protocol, 3-35 to 3-40
comparison of protocols
definition, 3-24
input handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-35
input state machine (figure), 3-36
input timing diagram (figure), 3-37
maximum transfer rate (table), E-2
output handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-38
output state machine (figure), 3-39
output timing diagram (figure), 3-40
Measurement Studio software, 1-3
memory specifications, A-2
monitoring data transfer, pattern I/O, 2-23
monitoring line state. See change detection.
National Instruments application
software, 1-3 to 1-4
NI Developer Zone, F-1
NI-DAQ driver software
compatibility with devices (table), 1-5
overview, 1-4 to 1-5