Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-3 653X User Manual
Pattern I/O
Direction.................................................Input or output
Maximum sample rate (internally
timed, for small transfers1).....................20 MHz
Minimum sample rate
(internal clock rate)................................ 1 S/10 min.
Change Detection
Change-detection resolution.................. 150 ns
Start and Stop Triggers
Compatibility......................................... TTL/CMOS
Trigger types.......................................... Rising or falling edge,
or digital pattern
Pulse width for edge triggers (min.).......10 ns
Pattern trigger detection
capabilities............................................. Detect pattern match or mismatch
on user-selected data lines
Pattern trigger resolution........................60 ns or one REQ period,
depending on pattern I/O mode
RTSI Triggers (PCI, PXI, AT)
Trigger lines...........................................7
Bus Interfaces
AT-DIO-32HS type................................AT slave with dual DMA
DAQCard-6533 for PCMCIA type........ PCMCIA slave
1 Small transfer size is the size of the FIFO.