Chapter3 EthernetConfiguration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 3-5 GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS
However,some DHCP servers do not implement hostname
registration.The GPIB-ENET/100 requi resD omain Name Server
(DNS) registrationwh en using DHCP.If your DHCP server does not
supportD NS registration,you must use static network parameters.
Consult your network administrator for more details.
2. In the Propertiesdisplay, select either Obtain an IP address
automatically (DHCP) or Use the following IP settings.
3. Ifyou s elect Obtainan IP address automatically (DHCP), you do
notneed to enter any network parameters unless you want to change
the hostnameof the Ethernet device. If you select Use the following
IPsettings, enter the network parameters you havechosen for the host
IP address,subnet mask, gatewayIP, and DNS server IP,as in the
exampleshown in Figure 3-3. Refer to the next section, Static IP
Parameters,for more information about these network parameters.
Figure3-3. Specifying IP Settings
Note The IP settings in Figure 3-3 are shownonly as an example of the format.