AppendixA PWR/RDYLED Signaling
GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS A-2 ni.com
Step 1. Count the Long FlashesA three-secondinterval, during which the PWR/RDY LED is yellow,
separateseach rep etition of the sequence.Th e sequence beginswith a
series of long one-second flashes—that is, one second red, one second
yellow.These long flashes represent the digit in the tens column. There
can be one to nine long flashes, which represent digits 1 through 9. For
example,one long flash represen ts the digit 1 in the tens column, and nine
long flashes represent the digit 9 in the tens column.
Step 2. Count the Short FlashesThe long flashes are followedby shorter flashes; each short flash lasts
about one-fifthof a second—that is, one-fifth of a second red, one-fifth of
asecond yellow. These short flashes represent the digit in the ones column.
Again,there can be one to nine flashes, which represent the digits 1through
9.For example, one short flash rep resents the digit 1 in the ones column,
and nine short flashes represent the digit 9 in the ones column.
Usingthis method, the PWR/RDY LED flashesthe following sequence to
representstatus message 11:
<threesecon dsy ellow><one long red flash> <one short red flash>
<threeseconds y ellow>…
The PWR/RDY LED flashes the followingsequence to represent status
message 31:
<threesecon dsy ellow><three long red flashes> <one short red flash>
<threeseconds y ellow>…
Step 3. Record Your Status Code NumberWhenyou have computed your error message number, write it down and
also note the ON/OFF state of the LINK,TX,andRX LEDs.Have this
information availablewhen calling National Instruments.