©NationalInstruments Corporation B-1 GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS
BTroubleshooting and
Common Questions
This appendix describes howto troublesh ootprob lems and answers some
common questions.
Troubleshooting Hardware Problems
Tryone of the following solutions if you encounter hardware problems:
•Verifythat all cables are securely connected to the GPIB-ENET/100.
•Verifythat the unit is plugged in and powered on.
•Verifywith the network administrator that your IP address is valid and
thatthe networkis set up to recognize the IP address properly.
•Ify ou configuredthe IP address man ually using the NI Ethernet
DeviceConfiguration util ity,verify that you have correctly followed
the steps in Chapter 3, Ethernet Configuration.
•Ifthe PWR/RDY LED continues to flash rapidly after 90 seconds, the
GPIB-ENET/100 is unable to obtain its IP address from the network.
Check with your network administrator to verifyyour IP ad dressa nd
makesure that you recorded the Ethernet address correctly.
•If the PWR/RDY LED is blinking in a slower red/yellowpatter n, the
GPIB-ENET/100 is reporting an internal error.Refer to Appendix A,
PWR/RDYLED Signaling, to interpret the error code and contact
National Instruments.
Troubleshooting Software Problems
The NI-488 Config control panel (GPIB Configuration utility) should
showthe following software configuration:
•The Interface Type box should be set to Ethernet box products.
•Acheckmark should appear in one of the bus selection boxes at the top
oft he control panel.