AppendixB Troubleshootingand Common Questions
GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS B-4
Whydoes the NI Ethernet Device Configuration utility list my box as
*BUSY*when I know my network uses DHCP?
Forup to one minut e, the GPIB-ENET/100 attempts to retrievenetwork
parametersfrom a DHCP server. During this time, *BUSY* appears in the
utilitydisplay. If this status does not change, there are several reasons why
DHCP may failto respond. One of the most likely reasons is that your
subnethas no more availableaddresses to assign using DHCP.Consult your
networkadmi nistrator to determine the specificreason for the problem.
Ijust added a GPIB-ENET/100 to the network, but it does not show up
inthe NI EthernetDevice Configuration utility. What is the problem?
Allowat least 15 seconds for the GPI B-ENET/100 to complete its
power-onself tests before launching the utility or clicking Refresh.
Communication betweenthe NI Ethernet Device Configuration utility
andthe GPIB-ENET/100 is not guaranteed. Tho ugh unlikely,it is possible
thatthe co mmunication gets lost in the network. Click Refresh more than
once before concluding the deviceis not discovered.
Verifythat the GPIB-ENET/100 shares the same subnet as the computer
running the NI Ethernet Device Configuration utility.The utility cannot
communicate with devicesthrough gateways on the network and will not
discoverdevices on another subnet.
Ih aveGPIB-ENET interfaces as well as GPIB-ENET/100 interfaces.
Whycant I seethe GPIB-ENET interfaces in the NI EthernetDevice
Configurationut ility?
TheGPIB-ENET/100 uses a configuration protocol that can communicate
withthe NI Ethernet Device Configuration utility. Because GPIB-ENET
interfacesare not compatible withthis configurationprotocol, the utility
does not recognize them on the network.
Whatdo I d o ift hesoftware verification test fails with an error?
Refert o the Troubleshooting Software Problems section of this appendix
for information about what might cause this test to fail. If you already have
completed the troubleshooting steps, contact National Instruments.
My driveris not communicating with the GPIB-ENET/100. What
should I do?
Makesure that the GPIB-ENET/100 is configured properly. Refer to
Chapter2, Installation, and Chapter 4, GPIB Configuration. Then run the
softwareverification utility again.