©NationalInstruments Corporation xi GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS
About This Manual
This manual contains instructions to help you install and configure
the National Instruments GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2 for Mac OS. The
NI-488.2software included in this kit is in tended for use with Mac OS 8.1
orhigher with at least3 2M Bm emory.
This manual assumes that you are familiar with the Mac OS and with
Ethernetand Internetnetworks, and that your Macintosh is connected
to an Ethernetnet work.This manual also assumes you have Open
Transportand TCP/IP installed on your Macintosh, which is required
before youcan u seth ed riversoftware for the GPIB-ENET/100.


The followingconventions appear in this manual:
This icon denotes a note, which alerts you to important information.
This icon denotes a caution, which advises you of precautions to take to
avoidinjury, data loss, or a system crash.
bold Bold textden otes items that you must select or click on in the software,
such asm enu items and dialog box options. Bold text also denotes names
ofu tilities, control panels, software folders, parameters, icons, and LEDs.
italic Italictext denotes variables, emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction
toa key concept. This font also denotes text that is a placeholder for a word
orvalue that you must supply.
monospace Textin this font denotes text or characters that you should enter from the
keyboard,sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples.
This font is also used for the proper names of disk drives,paths, device
names, functions, operations, variables, and code excerpts.
monospace bold Boldtext in this font denotes the messages and responses that the computer
automatically prints to the screen.