Chapter3 EthernetConfiguration
GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS 3-8
Verifying the HostnameTheNI Ethernet Device Configuration utility automati cally verifies that
the hostnamefor each DHCP-enabled d evice matchesthe DNSentry f or
the assignedIP address. This verification process automatically occurs
when you either run the utility or click Refresh. The utility alerts you as
shown in Figure 3-4 if it detects a problem with the network settings.
Figure 3-4. HostnameVerification Error Detected
Tocorrect the problem with the hostname, complete the following steps:
1. Locatethe device that has a problem. This is indicated by an (!)onthe
deviceicon, as shown previously in Figure 3-1.
2. Select Properties....
3. The utility givesyou four options for resolvin g the verificationerror.
Select the one that best fitsyour si tuation and click OK.
•Change thedevice’s hostname to match the DNS entry. Use
thisoption if you want to accept the hostname assigned by the
DHCP server,or if you cannot contact the network administrator
to change the DNS entry.
•Use staticnetwork parameters instead of DHCP. Use this
option if you cannot use the hostname assigned by the DHCP
server.Contact your network administrator to obtain a valid IP
address, subnet, and gateway.This option disables DHCP on the
•Edit the currenth ostname. Use this option to change the
hostnamet oa nam e other than either the configured hostname or
the name assigned bythe DHCP server. Contact your network
administratorto obtain a valid name.
•Keepthe existing hostname. Use this option if you wish to keep
the previouslyassigned hostname. If yo u select this option,
contact your network administrator to change the DNS entry.