AppendixB Troubleshootingand Common Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation B-5 GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS
Whenshould I use IBIC 488.2?
Youcan use IBIC 488.2 to practice communication with your instrument,
troubleshoot problems, and developyour application program. Formore
informationabout IBIC 488.2, refer to Chapter 4,Interface Bus Interactive
Control Utility,intheNI-488.2User Manual for MacOS.
How do I use an NI-488.2 language interface?
Forinformation about using NI-488.2 language interfaces, refer to the
NI-488.2 User Manual for MacOS.
MyI/O worked with a board interface, but it times out when I use the
GPIB-ENET/100 interface. What should I do?
Network communication is slower than straight cable communication.
Youmight need to raise the Timeout value using the NI-488 Config utility.
Refert o Chapter 4, GPIB Configuration, for more information.
Howdo I communicatewith myinstrument overthe GPIB?
Refer to the documentation that came from the instrument manufacturer.
The command sequences you use are totally dependent on the specific
instrument. The documentation for each instrument should includet he
GPIBcommands you need to communicate withit. In most cases, NI-488
device-levelcalls are sufficient for communicating with instruments.R efer
to Chapter 2, Developing Your Application,intheNI-488.2User Manual
for MacOS, for more information.
Howshould I check for errors in my GPIB application?
Examinethevalueofibsta after each NI-488 or NI-488.2 call. If a call
fails,the ERR bitof ibsta is set and an error code is stored in iberr.
Formore information ab out global status variables,refer t o Chapter 2,
DevelopingYour A pplication,intheNI-488.2User Manual for MacOS.