AppendixB Troubleshootingand Common Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation B-3 GPIB-ENET/100for Mac OS
Whatdo I do if I have installed NI-488.2 and now my Macintosh
crashes upon startup?
Trychanging the name of the NI-488 INIT to ZNI-488 INIT. Because
INITs load in alphabetical order,the ZNI-488 INIT will load last,
preventingpossible corruption from INITs that load after it. If changing
the name of the NI-488 INIT does not solve the problem, another INIT file
might havea conflict with the NI-488 INIT. Try removing some of your
otherINIT files. You can store them in a temporary folder, in case you need
toreload them later. Youcan use the Extensions Mana ger utility to disable
certain extensions and control panels.
Ihave a GPIB-ENET.Can I use the GPIB-ENET and GPIB-ENET/100
inthe same system?
Yes,this version of NI-488.2 supports systems containing both products as
well as systems containing only one of the two products.
Howdo I configure my existing GPIB-ENET with this software?
This versionof NI-488.2 inc ludes options for configuringboth th e
GPIB-ENET and the GPIB-ENET/100. Use the utilities in the Ethernet
folder with the GPIB-ENET,and the utilities in the Ethernet/100 folder
with the GPIB-ENET/100. Forin formation on configuring the
GPIB-ENEThardware, refer to Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET and
the NI-488.2 Software for MacOS.
Ih avean application using the GPIB-ENET.Can I replace the
Yes.You do not need to rewriteyour application code to replace
aGPIB-ENET with a GPIB-ENET/100. However, you do need to
configurethe GPIB-ENET/100 to have the same network identity as the
GPIB-ENETyou are replacing. First, acquirenetwork parameters for the
GPIB-ENET/100using DHCP or the NI Ethernet Device C onfiguration
utility.Then use the NI-488 Config utility to remove the GPIB-ENET
informationfrom the Bus/Device list and reassociate the same entry with
the IP address for the GPIB-ENET/100. For example, if your application
coderefers to the GPIB-ENET as gpib1, reconfigure gpib1 to refer to the