8.2Indication at Occurrence of Fault
If the additional disk enclosure is defected, the SERVICE LED goes on orange and also the LED specific for each unit to indicate that the unit is defected goes on.
The table below shows the relation between the LED indicating the occurrence of a fault and the defected unit.
LED display | Defected unit |
The SERVICE LED on the disk enclosure is lit | The disk drive with the FAULT LED being on |
orange and also the FAULT LED on the disk | is defected. |
drive is lit orange. |
The SERVICE LED on the disk enclosure is lit | The adapter with the FAULT LED being on is |
orange and also the FAULT LED on the adapter | defected. |
is lit orange. |
The SERVICE LED on the disk enclosure is lit | The power supply for the disk enclosure with |
orange and also the POWER FAULT LED on | POWER FAULT LED being on is defected |
the power supply for the disk enclosure is lit | (including cooling fan for power supply |
orange. | failure). |
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