_ STEP 10 - Water Battle Holder
a)Remove (2) Phillips Screws from Computer Tube
b)Align holes and affach Water Be/file Holder to Computer Tube with phillips screws removed In Step A
e)Place water bottle In holder
water bathe
compute tube
looking #am the left slde c# the unit
Figure 10 - Install Water Bottle Holder
AC adapter
main frame
Figure 1 1 - AC Adaptor
_ STEP 1 1 - AC Adapter
a)Plug AC Adapter Into receptacle located in the Main Frame near
the Front Foot Tube, see Figure 10.
b)Insert AC Adapter plug into outlet in wall.
Once your Recumbent Bike is assembled, make sure that your workout space has a solid, level surface with
plenl¥ of space around it,We recommend placing a ma_ under your unit to protect your flooring,
Correct Workout Position
When exercising, keep your back straight and your head in a neutral position to minimize neck and upper back strain.When pedaling do not lock out your knees, at the bottom of the pedaling motion there should be a slight bend in the knee• Always try to pedal the bike with a smooth and rhythmic motion,