Nikon V1 manual Exposure Mode, 111, Auto, Aperture, Manual

Models: V1

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Exposure Mode

The options in the exposure mode menu offer varying degrees of control over shutter speed and aperture.

hScene auto

An automatic, “point-and-shoot” mode in which the

camera not only chooses shutter speed and aperture


but adjusts other settings to suit the subject (0 23).



The camera sets shutter speed and aperture for optimal

P Programmed

exposure (0 113). Recommended for snapshots and in


other situations in which there is little time to adjust


camera settings.


You choose the shutter speed; the camera selects an

aperture for best results (0 114). Use to freeze or blur





You choose the aperture; the camera selects a shutter

A Aperture-

speed for best results (0 115). Use to blur the back-

priority auto

ground or bring both foreground and background into




You control both shutter speed and aperture (0 116).

M Manual

Set shutter speed to “Bulb” or “Time” for long time-expo-







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Nikon V1 manual Exposure Mode, 111, Auto, Aperture, Manual