Nikon V1 manual Shoot, Shutter-Release Button, AExposure Mode

Models: V1

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Smoothly press the shutter-release


button the rest of the way down to


release the shutter and record the


photograph. The access lamp will


light and the photograph will be dis-


played in the monitor for a few sec-


onds (the photo will automatically


clear from the display when the shut-


ter-release button is pressed halfway).


Do not eject the memory card or remove

Access lamp

or disconnect the power source until the


lamp has gone out and recording is




AThe Shutter-Release Button

The camera has a two-stage shutter-release button. The camera focuses when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway. To take the photograph, press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down.

Focus: Press halfway

Shoot: Press the rest


of the way down

AExposure Mode

To make adjustments to shutter speed, aperture, or other settings, select P Programmed auto, S Shutter-priority auto, A Aperture-pri- ority auto, or M Manual for Exposure mode in the shooting menu (0 111).

ASee Also

See page 155 for information on silencing the beep that sounds when the camera focuses or the electronic shutter is used.


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Nikon V1 manual Shoot, Shutter-Release Button, AExposure Mode