Nikon V1 manual Troubleshooting, Displays are off

Models: V1

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If the camera fails to function as expected, check this list of com- mon problems before consulting your retailer or Nikon repre- sentative.


The displays are off:

The camera is off (0 18) or the battery is exhausted (0 12, 21).

The monitor has been turned off (0 5). Press the $ button to turn the monitor on.

An object has come close to the eye sensor, turning the viewfinder on and the monitor off (0 6).

The displays have turned off automatically to save power (0 155). The displays can be reactivated by operating buttons or the mode dial.

The camera is connected to a computer (0 85) or television (0 90). The displays turn off without warning:

The battery is low (0 12, 21).

The displays have turned off automatically to save power (0 155). The displays can be reactivated by operating buttons or the mode dial.

The camera’s internal temperature is high (0 xvi, 189). Wait for the camera to cool before turning it on again.

The camera is unresponsive: See “A Note on Electronically-Controlled Cam- eras,” below.

The viewfinder is out of focus: Focus the viewfinder using the diopter adjust- ment control (0 6).

Indicators are not displayed: Press the $ button (0 5).


AA Note on Electronically-Controlled Cameras

In extremely rare instances, the display may not respond as expected and the camera may stop functioning. In most cases, this phenomenon is caused by a strong external static charge. Turn the camera off, remove and replace the battery, taking care to avoid burns, and turn the camera on again, or, if you are using an AC adapter (available sepa- rately), disconnect and reconnect the adapter and turn the camera on again. If the problem persists after the battery has been removed and replaced, contact your retailer or Nikon-authorized service representa- tive.


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Nikon V1 manual Troubleshooting, Displays are off