Nikon V1 manual Sound Settings, Auto Power Off, 155, AThe GP-N100

Models: V1

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Sound Settings

Highlight items and press 2 to select or deselect. If Autofocus/self-timeris selected, a beep will sound when the camera focuses and during self-timer and remote control photography; to mute the beep, remove the check from this item. Select Electronic shutter to play a sound

when the electronic shutter is released, or remove the check from this item to mute the shutter. Press Jto exit when settings are complete.

Auto Power Off

Choose how long the displays remain on when no operations are performed (0 18). Choose shorter delays to reduce the drain on the battery. Once the dis- plays have turned off, they can be reacti- vated by operating the camera buttons or mode dial.

AThe GP-N100

To enable auto power off when an optional GP-N100 GPS unit is attached, select Enable for the GPS > Auto power off option in the setup menu (0 66).



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Nikon V1 manual Sound Settings, Auto Power Off, 155, AThe GP-N100