Nikon V1 manual Battery Info, Firmware Version, View the current firmware version 160, Charge

Models: V1

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Battery Info

View information on the battery currently inserted in the camera.


The current battery level, expressed as a percentage of a full



Afive-level display showing battery age. 0 (k) indicates that battery performance is unimpaired, 4 (l) that the bat- tery has reached the end of its charging life and should be

Battery age

replaced. Note that batteries charged at temperatures

under about 5 °C (41 °F) may show a temporary increase in


age; the display will however return to normal once the bat-


tery has been recharged at a temperature of about 20 °C


(68 °F) or higher.

Firmware Version

View the current firmware version.



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Nikon V1 manual Battery Info, Firmware Version, View the current firmware version 160, Charge