Nikon V1 manual AMovie Mode, ATripod Mounting Spacer

Models: V1

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Note that the timer may not start or a photograph may not be taken if the camera is unable to focus or in other situations in which the shutter can not be released. Turning the camera off cancels self-timer and remote control modes. Remote control modes are cancelled automatically if no operations are per- formed for about five minutes after the mode is selected in Step 3.

AMovie Mode

In self-timer mode, start and stop the timer by pressing the movie- record button instead of the shutter-release button. In remote control mode, the ML-L3 shutter-release button functions as the movie-record button.

ATripod Mounting Spacer

Use an optional TA-N100 tripod mounting spacer to prevent larger lenses coming into contact with the tripod head when the camera is mounted on a tripod (0 164).

ASee Also

For information on choosing how long the camera will wait for a signal from the remote, see page 156. See page 155 for information on con- trolling the beeps that sound when the self-timer or remote control is used.



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Nikon V1 manual AMovie Mode, ATripod Mounting Spacer