Nikon V1 manual Begin buffering, Shoot

Models: V1

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3 Begin buffering.

Press the shutter-release button half- way to focus (0 25). An icon will be displayed as the camera begins recording footage to the memory buffer.



Smoothly press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down. The camera will record a photograph, together with about a second of movie footage beginning before and ending after the time the shutter- release button was pressed. Note that some time may be required. When recording is complete, the photo- graph will be displayed for a few sec- onds.


Buffering begins when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway and ends after about 90 seconds or when the shutter-release button is pressed all the way down.


Shutter-release button





button pressed

pressed all the way

Shooting ends

halfway to focus



























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Nikon V1 manual Begin buffering, Shoot