Nikon V1 Setup Menu Options, Clock with the time reported by the GPS device, Enable, Disable

Models: V1

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Setup Menu Options

The GPS item in the setup menu contains the following options. To display GPS options, press G and select GPS in the setup menu.

• Auto power off: Choose whether the displays turn off auto- matically when the GP-N100 is attached.



Camera displays turn off automatically if no operations are





performed for the time selected for Auto power off in the




setup menu (0 155). This reduces the drain on the battery.




The displays do not turn off automatically while






GP-N100 is attached.





This item is only available if the GP-N100 is currently




receiving GPS data, when it displays the current latitude, longi-



tude, altitude, and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as



reported by the GP-N100.




• Use GPS to set clock: Select Yes to synchronize the camera




clock with the time reported by the GPS device.



ACoordinated Universal Time (UTC)

UTC data is provided by the GPS device and is independent of the cam- era clock.


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Nikon V1 manual Setup Menu Options, Clock with the time reported by the GPS device, Enable, Disable