Nikon V1 manual Reset Setup Options, Video mode, Flicker reduction, Language, Battery info

Models: V1

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Assign AE/AF-L button

Choose the role played by the 1 (A) button

(0 156).

Shutter button AE lock

Choose whether exposure locks when the shutter-

release button is pressed halfway (0 156).


Video mode

Choose a video standard (0 156).


Choose whether remote controls for HDMI-CEC

HDMI device control

devices to which the camera is connected can be


used to operate the camera (0 92).

Flicker reduction

Reduce flicker or banding (0 157).

Reset file numbering

Reset file numbering (0 157).

Time zone and date

Set the camera clock (0 158).


Choose a language for the camera displays

(0 158).


Auto image rotation

Record camera orientation with pictures (0 159).

Battery info

View battery status (0 160).


Adjust settings for optional GPS units (0 67).

Firmware version

Display the current firmware version (0 160).



Reset Setup Options

Select Yes to reset all setup menu options other than Video mode, Flicker reduction, Time zone and date, and Language to default values (0 179).



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Nikon V1 manual Reset Setup Options, Video mode, Flicker reduction, Language, Battery info