Nikon V1 Multi Selector, Displaying Shooting Options, Selecting Shooting Options, Menu Navigation

Models: V1

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The Multi Selector

The multi selector and Jbutton are used to adjust settings and navigate the camera menus.

❚❚Displaying Shooting Options


Press left (E) to view


Press right (E) to view

self-timer/remote control




exposure compensation



options (0 49)


options (0 57)

Press down (%) to view focus mode options (0 52)

❚❚Selecting Shooting Options

Press up (1) or down (3) to


highlight options (you can


also highlight options by

Press Jto select

rotating the multi selector)

highlighted option


❚❚Menu Navigation (010)

Press up (1) to move cursor up

Press left (4) to cancel and return to previous menu

Press right (2) to select highlighted item or display sub-menu

Press Jto select highlighted item

Press down (3) to move cursor down

Note: You can also highlight items by rotating the multi selector.

AThe Multi Selector

In this manual, the 1, 2, 3, and 4 symbols are used to represent up, right, down, and left on the multi selector. Items can be highlighted by rotating the multi selector as shown at right.


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Nikon V1 manual Displaying Shooting Options, Selecting Shooting Options, Menu Navigation, AThe Multi Selector