Synopsis: sierra show --PIN-LOCK
>sierra show
•sierra show
Description: To display the SIM card status.
Synopsis: sierra show
> sierra show
SIM inserted (SIM card is correctly inserted to the USIM slot) SIM not inserted (SIM card is not inserted to the USIM slot) USIM is PIN locked (SIM card is locked by the PIN code)
Incorrect SIM (a SIM card from other Internet service provider is inserted, SIM card can’t be recognized by the network)
PUK locked (SIM card is locked by the PUK code)
•sierra set
>sierra set --PIN-CHG 0000 1111
changed the PIN code successfully PUK code unlock
Description: Enter the new PUK code and configure the new PIN code when the modem is PUK locked.
Synopsis: sierra set
Examples: Unlock the modem with PUK key 11111111 and configure the PIN code as 0000
>sierra set --PUK 11111111 0000 PUK unlock successfully
The connection is up already!! Wireless LAN mode set and read
Description: Allows user to configure the Wireless LAN interfaces on the 3G router.
This command can be use to configure basic feature, security feature, wireless bridge feature and MAC filter features of the wireless LAN interface.