Computer Equipment
Nortel Networks
Computer Equipment
Nortel Networks
- page 109
152 pages, 10.57 Mb
Chapter 5
Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Using the Passport 8672ATM Module
Figure 45
ATM menu
To view the current PVC parameters, in the A
TM menu, click PVC. The PVC
page opens
Copyright 2001 Nortel Networks
Statement of conditions
USA requirements only
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notice: Radio Frequency Notice
Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with Device Manager. . . . . . . . 47
Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Chapter 6 Configuring the Passport 8672ATM Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Tab le s
Before you begin
Text conventions
Related publications
How to get help
Chapter 1 About the Passport 8672ATM Module
ATM ELANs, and Ethernet VLANs
Virtual network router
Traffic shaping
RFC 1483 Support
Physical description
Media dependent adapters
Online LED
Console and Diag ports
Chapter 2 Passport 8672ATM Module technology overview
ATM terms and acronyms
SONET terms and acronyms
SONET transmission rates
Chapter 3 Installing the Passport 8672ATM Module
Safety and environmental precautions
Installing the Passport 8672ATM Module
Verifying installation
42 Chapter 3 Installing the Passport 8672ATM Module
Figure 10 Unsuccessful download screen output
MDA insertion and configuration
Replacing a module
Starting the system after a module replacement
Starting the system with an empty slot
Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with Device Manager
Port numbering
Device Manager
Device Manager access and passwords
Installing Device Manager
Configuring ATM using Device Manager
Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with Device Manager 53
Table 5 Interface tab items
Resetting the module
3Click the ATM tab. The ATM tab opens (Figure14).
Viewing MDA information
Enabling or disabling a port
Editing port parameters
Editing ATM and framing parameters
Table 9 describes the items in the ATM tab.
Editing circuit parameters
Table 1 0 describes the fields in the ATM PVC tab.
4Click Insert. The Insert ATM PVC dialog box opens (Figure18).
Table 1 1 describes the fields in the Insert ATM PVC dialog box.
5In the Vpi field, type the VPI-bit size (an integer between 0 and 255).
Deleting a PVC
Configuring ATM 1483 ELAN parameters
Table 1 2 describes the fields in the ATM 1483 ELAN tab.
4Click Insert. The Insert ATM 1483 ELAN dialog box opens (Figure 22).
Deleting an ATM 1483 ELAN
Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Command line interface
Configuration commands
Module commands
1483 ELAN statistics
config atmcard elan-stats
clear atm elan-stats <vlan id>
show atm elan-stats <vlan id>
clear atm elan-stats
Port commands
78 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
config atm command
Table 1 6 describes the parameters and variables for the config atm <ports>
Tabl e 16 con fig atm command parameters and variables
Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI 79
config atm pvc command
Table 1 7 describes the parameters and vari ables for the config atm pvc
Tabl e 16 con fig atm command parameters and variables (continued)
80 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
config atm pvc 1483 command
config atm <ports> pvc 1483 ip config atm <ports> pvc 1483 ipx
Table 1 8 describes the parameters and v ariables for the config atm <ports> pvc 1483 command.
Tabl e 18 con fig atm pvc 1483 bridged command parameters and variables
Table 1 9 describes the parameters and vari ables for the config atm pvc 1483 ip command.
config atm info command
Figure 27 shows a sample of the output resulting from executing the config atm
Show commands
show ports info atm all command
Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI 83
Figure 28 show ports info atm all command output
84 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Table 2 1 describes the information fields for the show ports info atm all command.
Table 21 Information fields for the s how ports info atm all command
Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI 85
Figure 29 show ports info atm ports command output
show ports info atm ports command
show ports info atm ports
Table 21 Information fields for the s how ports info atm all command (continued)
86 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Table 2 2 describes the information fields for the show ports info atm ports command.
Table 22 Information fields for the s how ports info atm ports command
Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI 87
show ports info atm pvc command
show ports info atm pvc [<ports>]
Figure 30 show ports info atm pvc command output
Table 2 3 describes the information fields for the show ports info atm pvc command.
Table 23 Information fields for the s how ports info atm pvc command
show ports info atm 1483 command
Table 2 4 describes the information fields for the show ports info atm 1483 command.
show ports stats atmport command
This command displays statistics for atm ports (Figure 32). The command uses the syntax:
90 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Figure 32 show ports stats atmport [<port num>] command output
Table 2 5 describes the information fields for the show ports stats
atmport command. Table 25 Information fields for the show ports stats atmport command
show ports stats atm felinecurrent
Figure 33 shows sample output for the show ports stats atm
92 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Figure 33 show ports stats atm felinecurrent command output
Table 2 6 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
show ports stats atm felineinterval
Table 2 7 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
94 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
show ports stats atm fepathcurrent
Table 27 Information fields for the show ports stats atm felineinterval
Table 2 8 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
show ports stats atm fepathinterval
96 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Figure 36 show ports stats atm fepathinterval command output
Table 2 9 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
show ports stats atm linecurrent
This command displays current st atistics (Figure 37) for the line. The command uses the syntax:
Table 3 0 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
98 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
show ports stats atm lineinterval
Table 30 Information fields for the s how ports stats atm linecurrent
Table 3 1 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
show ports stats atm pathcurrent
100 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Figure 39 show ports stats atm pathcurrent command output
Table 3 2 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
show ports stats atm pathinterval
Table 3 3 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
102 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
show ports stats atm sectioncurrent
Table 33 Information fields for the show ports stats atm pathinterval
Table 3 4 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
show ports stats atm sectioninterval
104 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Figure 42 show ports stats atm sectioninterval command output
Table 3 5 describes the information fields for the show ports stats atm
show ports stats atm sonetmediumtbl
This command displays statistics (Figure43) on the SONET medium. The command uses the syntax:
Table 3 6 describes the information fields f or the show ports stats atm sonetmediumtbl command.
Web management
ATM folder
Table 3 7 describes the fields displayed in the System page.
108 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Table 37 System page fields (continue d)
Table 3 8 describes the fields displayed in th e PVC page.
112 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Table 3 9 describes the fields displayed in the 1483 ELAN page.
To view the current port parameters, in the ATM menu, click Port. The Port page opens (Figure49).
Table 39 1483 ELAN page items
Table 4 0 describes the fields displayed in th e Port page.
114 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
Table 40 Port page items (continued)
Chapter 6 Configuring the Passport 8672ATM Module
Initial configuration
Changing the clock setting using Device Manager
Changing the clock setting using the CLI
Basic configuration procedures
Bridging point-to-point traffic using an ATM 1483 PVC using Device Manager
Creating a VLAN byPort and adding ports
Table 4 1 describes the Basic tab fields.
Configuring an ATM 1483 PVC
Associating the PVC with the VLAN
Bridging point-to-point traffic using an ATM 1483 PVC using the CLI
config vlan 2 create byport 1
config vlan 2 port add 1/1, 3/40-3/48
config atm 1/1 pvc create 0.100 enc 1483-null serv ubr
config atm 1/1 pvc create 0.100 enc 1483-null serv vbr<PCR value>scr<SCR value> mbs<MBS value>
Bridging point-to-multipoint traffic using an ATM 1483 PVC using Device Manager
Configuring two ATM 1483 PVCs on the same ATM port
Associating the PVCs with the same VLAN
Bridging point-to-multipoint traffic using an ATM 1483 PVC using the CLI
Configuring an IP routing 1483 PVC using Device Manager
Creating two VLANs byPort
Assigning IP addresses
Enabling RIP routing
Enabling OSPF routing
Configuring a null-encapsulation PVC
Associating the PVC with the VLAN
Configuring an IP routing 1483 PVC using the CLI
Configuring an IPX routing 1483 PVC using Device Manager
Creating two VLANs byPort
Configuring IPX network numbers
Enabling IPX forwarding
Enabling IPX network number forwarding
Configuring a null-encapsulation PVC
Associating the PVC with the VLAN
Configuring an IPX routing 1483 PVC using the CLI
Appendix A Technical Specifications
This appendix lists the technical specifications for the Passport 8672ATM Module.
Appendix B Factory defaults