Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with Device Manager 63
Using the Passport 8672ATM Module
Figure 18 Insert ATM PVC dialog box
Table 1 1 describes the fields in the Insert ATM PVC dialog box.5In the Vpi field, type the VPI-bit size (an integer between 0 and 255).
Table 11 Insert ATM PVC dialog box fields
Item Description
Vpi Numeric value, within the range 0...255.
Vci Numeric value, within the range 0...65535
Note: For <vpi.vci>, 0.0 is not supported.
Name Alphanumeric characters to assign a name to the PVC.
Encapsulation Encapsulation type: null or llcSnap.
ServiceType Unspecified bit rate (ubr) or variable bit rate (vbr).
PeakCellRate Numeric value, within the range 86...733490; only applicable if
the Service Type is vbr.
SustainedCellRate Numeric value, within the range 86...733490; only applicable if
the Service Type is vbr.
MaxBurstSize Numeric value, within the range 2...255; only applicable if the
Service Type is vbr.