78 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
config atm command
Table 1 6 describes the parameters and variables for the config atm <ports>
Tabl e 16 con fig atm command parameters and variables
Parameters and variables Description
action <action choice> Flushes a MAC, ARP, or IP table or triggers a RIP update. Choices
• none
• flushMacFdb
• triggerRipUpdate
number-vpi-bits <number-vpi-bits> • Sets the number of bits used to represent VPI. Enter integer from
0 to 8.
• For OC-3c, 11 bits split between NumVpiBits and NumVciBits.
NumVpiBits cannot exceed 6 bits for OC-3c.
• For OC-12c, 13 bits split between NumVpiBits and NumVciBits.
NumVpiBits cannot exceed 8 bits for OC-12c.
scrambling <enable | disable> Enables or disables scrambling.
framing-mode <sonet | sdh> Sets the framing to:
• sonet, which means the Synchronous Optical Network format;
standard format used in North America.
• sdh, which means the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy clock format;
standard format used in Europe.
clock-source <loop-timed |
Sets the transmit clock source to:
• loop-timed, which means clocking is derived from line.
• free-running, which means clocking is derived from on-board
Note that if you have two connected Passport 8672ATM Modules, you
must set both to free-running or one to loop-timed and one to
free-running; do not set both to loop-timed.
loop-back-mode <off | internal |
Sets the loopback mode to:
• internal
• external
state <enable | disable> Sets the state of the port to enabled or disabled.