84 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI


Table 2 1 describes the information fields for the show ports info atm all command.

Table 21 Information fields for the s how ports info atm all command

Field Description
PORT NUM Port number.
MDA DESCRIPTION This field describes the MDA:
Quad OC-3c SM quad port OC-3c single-mode fiber
Quad OC-3c MM quad port OC-3c multimode fiber
OC-12c SM single port OC-12c single-mode fiber
OC-12c MM single port OC-12c multimode fiber
SCRAMBLE ENABLE Parameter that enables/disables the scrambling option.
FRAMING MODE Indicates the framing for the port, either:
sonet, which means the Synchronous Optical Network
format, the standard format in North America.
sdh, which means the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
clock format, the standard format in Europe.
MAX-BITS VPI For OC-3c, 11 bits split between NumVpiBits and
NumVciBits. NumVpiBits cannot exceed 6 bits for OC-3c.
For OC-12c, 13 bits split between NumVpiBits and
NumVciBits. NumVpiBits cannot exceed 8 bits for OC-12c.
MAX-BITS VCI This field is read only. It takes remaining bits from
NumVpiBits. For example, if NumVpiBits is 3 for OC-3c,
then NumVciBits is 8.
CLOCK SOURCE Indicates whether the Clock Source is either:
LOOPBACK MODE Indicates the loopback mode::
ADMIN STATE Indicates the Admin State of the port, either:
STATUS Indicates the status of the port, either:
PVC VPI.VCI Permanent virtual circuit and the associated vpi and vci
numeric identifiers.