Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI 79

Using the Passport 8672ATM Module

config atm pvc command

Table 1 7 describes the parameters and vari ables for the config atm pvc


Tabl e 17 con fig atm pvc command parameters and variables

info Shows the last saved port settings and the next-level CLI commands.
Note that this does not show the current settings, but the last saved
perform-tagging <enable |
Enables or disables tagging.
Parameters and variables Description
create < vpi.vci> [name <value>]
[enc <value>] [serv <value>] [pcr
<value>] [scr <value>] [mbs
Creates a PVC. The required parameters are:
vpi is the circuit VPI. Enter a numeric value, within the range
vci is the circuit VCI. Enter a numeric value, within the range
Note: For <vpi.vci>, 0.0 is not supported.
The optional parameters are:
name is the display string. Enter up to 256 alphanumeric
characters to name PVC.
enc is the 1483 encapsulation method, either null or llc-snap.
serv is the bit rate, either ubr or vbr.
pcr, with VBR only, is the peak cell rate. Enter an integer from 86 to
scr, with VBR only, is the sustained cell rate. Enter an integer from
86 to 733490.
mbs, with VBR only, is the maximum burst size. Enter an integer
from 2 to 255.
Note that no VLANs or ELANs are bound to this PVC until you add
VLAN membership using the config atm <p orts> pvc 1483 commands.
delete <vpi.vci> Deletes the specified PVC. Note that this command will fail if the PVC
is still being used by RFC 1483 traffic.
info [<ports>] Displays PVC information.

Tabl e 16 con fig atm command parameters and variables (continued)

Parameters and variables Description