Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI 77
Using the Passport 8672ATM Module
clear atm elan-stats
Use this command to clear the ELAN statistics for a particular VLAN ID. The
syntax is:
clear atm elan-stats <vlan_id>
Port commandsThe port commands allow you to perform general configuration on the Passport
8672ATM Module. The port config commands are:
•config atm <ports>
•config atm <ports> pvc
•config atm <ports> pvc 1483 {bridged|ip|ipx}
•config atm <ports> info
InDiscards Number of received AAL5 CPCS PDUs discarded.
OutDiscards Ethernet packets discarded.
InUcastPkts Number of unicast packets received on the ELAN.
OutUcastPkts Number of unicast packets transmitted on the ELAN.
InMcastPkts Number of Multicast packets received on the ELAN.
OutMcastPkts Number of Multicast packets transmitted on the ELAN.
InBcastPkts Number of broadcast packets received on the ELAN.
OutBcastPkts Number of broadcast packets transmitted on the ELAN.
Table 15 Information fields for the s how atm elan-stats command (continued)
Field Description