60 Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with Device Manager
Figure 16 ATM tab
Table 9 describes the items in the ATM tab.Table 9 ATM t ab it ems
Item Description
ifIndex Interface Index.
MediaType mmf (multimode fiber) or smf (single-mode fiber)
LineSpeed For OC-3c, the operating speed is 155.52 Mb/s; for OC-12c, it is
622.08 Mb/s.
NumVpiBits For OC-3c, 11 bits split between NumVpiBits and NumVciBits.
NumVpiBits cannot exceed 6 bits for OC-3c.
For OC-12c, 13 bits split between NumVpiBits and NumVciBits.
NumVpiBits cannot exceed 8 bits for OC-12c.
NumVciBits This field is read only. It takes remaining bits from NumVpiBits. For
example, if NumVpiBits is 3 for OC-3c, then NumVciBits is 8.