122 Chapter 6 Configuring the Passport 8672ATM Module
3Do the following:
aIn the Id field, enter the Id number for the VLA N (an integer between 0
and 4094).
bIn the Name field, enter the VLAN name.
cIn the Color Identifier field, select a color fro m the list.
dIn the StgIdField, select the STG for the por t.
eIn the Type field, chick byPort.
fIn the PortMembers field, click the button to view ports.
The VlanPortMembers dialog box opens (Figure54).
Table 42 VLAN, Insert Basic dialog box fields
Field Description
Id Unique VLAN identifier.
Name An administratively-assigned name for this VLAN.
ColorIdentifier An administratively-assigned color code for this VLAN. The
value of this object is used by the VLAN Manager GUI tool
to select a color when it draws this VLAN on the screen.
StgId Spanning Tree Group (STG) used by the VLAN to
determine the state of its ports. If the VLAN is not
associated with any STG, this value should be set to zero.
Type Type of VLAN, distinguished according to the policy used
to define its port membership.
PortMembers Set of ports that are members (static or dynamic) of this
QoSLevel Quality of Service level.
Ds field An integer (1...64).