64 Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with Device Manager
6In the Vci field, type the VCI-bit size (an integer between 0 and 65, 535).
7In the Name field, type the name of the ATM PVC.
8In the Encapsulation field, select the encapsulation method (null or IIcSnap).
9In the Service Type field, select the service type (ubr or vbr).
10 If you select vbr in the Service Type field:
aIn the PeakCellRate field, enter the PCR (an integer between 86 and
bIn the SustainedCellRate field, enter the SCR (an integer between 86 and
cIn the MaxBurstSize, type the maximum burst size (an integer between 2
and 255).
11 Click Insert.
The Insert ATM PVC dialog box closes.
12 Click Close.
Deleting a PVCTo del ete a PV C:
1On the device view, highlight a port.
2Choose Edit > Port.
The Port dialog box opens with the Interface tab displayed (Figure12 on
page 52).
3Click the ATM PVC tab.
4The ATM PVC tab opens.
5Click a PvcId entry in the table for the PVC you want to delete.
Figure 19 shows a highlighted PvcId entry.
Note: For <vpi.vci>, 0.0 is not supported.