28 Chapter 1 About the Passport 8672ATM Module
Figure 4 shows the Passport 8672ATM Module with one OC-12c/STM-4 MDA
installed. For information on installi ng the MDAs, refer to Installing the Passport
8672ATM Module MDAs.
Figure 4 Passport 8672 ATM module with OC-12c/STM-4 MDA
Online LED
The front panel of the Passport 8672ATM Module has an Online LED that
indicates whether or not the module has power applied and is initialized correctly.
When the Passport 8672ATM Module is first inserted into the chassis, the Online
LED turns amber until the board is recognized by the system and passes a
power-on self-test. If the module fails the self-test, the light is off. When the board
passes the self-test and goes online, the LED illuminates a solid green.
Table 1 lists the Passport 8672ATM Module online LED indications.
Note: You cannot configure the Passport 8672ATM Module until the
online LED on the module is steadily lit green and you have inserted at
least one MDA.
Table 1 Passport 8672ATM Module online LED indications
Online LED State
Off Card is not receiving power.
Amber Card is initializing or downloading.
Amber Card is offline.
Green Card is online.
OnlineMDA 2MDA 1
8672 ATM