80 Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI
config atm pvc 1483 command
Use the config atm pvc 1483 commands to configure 1483 parameters on
the Passport 8672ATM Module. The syntax is:
•config atm <ports> pvc 1483 bridged
•config atm <ports> pvc 1483 ip
•config atm <ports> pvc 1483 ipx
Table 1 8 describes the parameters and v ariables for the config atm <ports>
pvc 1483 command.
Tabl e 18 con fig atm pvc 1483 bridged command parameters and variables
Table 1 9 describes the parameters and vari ables for the config atm pvc
1483 ip command.
Parameters and variables Description
add <vid> <vpi.vci> [,<vpi.vci>]... Adds a number of PVCs to the specified 1483 ELAN. The required
parameters are:
•vid means VLAN ID number.
•vpi.vci means circuit VPI number and the circuit VCI numbers,
respectively; they are separated by a period.
Note: This command fails if the specified VIDs or VPI/VCI pairs belong
to another ELAN or already exist on this ELAN.
create <vid> <vpi.vci>
Creates a 1483 ELAN consisting of the specified PVCs. The required
parameters are:
•vid means VLAN ID number.
•vpi.vci means circuit VPI number and the circuit VCI numbers,
respectively; they are separated by a period.
Note: This command fails if the specified VIDs or VPI/VCI pairs belong
to another ELAN or already exist on this ELAN.
delete <vid> Deletes the specified ELAN.
remove <vid> <vpi.vci>
Removes a number of PVCs from the specified 1483 ELAN. The
required parameters are:
•vid means VLAN ID number.
•vpi.vci means circuit VPI number and the circuit VCI numbers,
respectively; they are separated by a period.
Note that this command fails if the PVCs are not present.
info Displays information on 1483 ELANs.