Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with the CLI 81
Using the Passport 8672ATM Module
Tabl e 19 con fig atm pvc 1483 ip command parameters and variables
Table 2 0 describes the parameters and vari ables for the config atm pvc
1483 ipx command.
Tabl e 20 con fig atm pvc 1483 ipx command parameters and variables
config atm info commandFigure 27 shows a sample of the output resulting from executing the config atm
info command.
Parameters and variables Description
create <vid> <vpi.vci> <remoteip> Creates a routed 1483 IP circuit on the specified VLAN to the
specified remote router interface. The optional parameters are:
•vid means VLAN ID number.
•vpi.vci means circuit VPI number and the circuit VCI numbers,
respectively; they are separated by a period.
•remoteip is the IP address of the remote router interface.
Note that the VLAN ID can exist only on this port.
delete <vid> Deletes the routed 1483 IP circuit on the specified VLAN.
info Displays information on routed 1483 IP circuits.
Parameters and variables Description
create <vid> <vpi.vci> <ipx> Creates a routed 1483 IPX circuit on the specified VLAN to the
specified remote router interface. The optional parameters are:
•vid means VLAN ID number.
•vpi.vci means circuit VPI number and the circuit VCI numbers,
respectively; they are separated by a period.
•ipx is the IPX Network number of the remote router interface. If this
number is not given, the first IPX Network number configured for
the specified VLAN is used.
Note that the VLAN ID must be previously configured for IPX on this
No ARP functionality is available on this IPX segment.
delete <vid> Deletes the routed 1483 IPX circuit on the specified VLAN.
info Displays information on routed 1483 IPX circuits.